Monday, October 30, 2017

Open letter

Brother Abdulaziz and friends

Thank you Abdulaziz for the attempt to answer my desperate quest for solutions of dilemma of Somalia.

We tried petitions, we attempted to use the power of the so called parliament, ... we tried to teach the best ways ‎to govern....

I spoke about the return of Formajo's uncle's guulwade system. I recall Siyad's  ‎regime when people were dying in detention center without recourse of rule of law. The best knowledgeable religious people killed without due process. The red berets police were killing people at will; the military of Siyad have had destroying water reservoirs in Majertenia, .... ‎without rendiconto to no body!

Thinking that the era of blatant unjust has  ended, I thought that Somalia needed a fair coexistence. A solution that belong to all Somalis without distinction. That is when I wrote  the Birth of New Somalia.

Somalia belongs to the little man growing moxog in Balcad, the fisherman in Qandala who is struggling to feed his family, the Afgoye farmer who produce the needs of the surround people.... ...

To me, Somalia does not belong to Ahmed Madoobe, who is AL Shabaad, one day; a friend of Ethiopia, next day, then an allay of Abdi Ilay and Gas on another day. Somalia does not belong to Gas who, in alliance with Madone and Ethiopia, who is selling the resources and ports of the country to UAE! Strangly enough, nobody object his ill deeds!

These folks, in Islam is defined as  
And it explained as:

مُذَبْذَبِينَ بَيْنَ ذَٰلِكَ لَا إِلَىٰ هَٰؤُلَاءِ وَلَا إِلَىٰ هَٰؤُلَاء ۚ.    وَمَنْ يُضْلِلِ اللَّهُ فَلَنْ تَجِدَ لَهُ سَبِيلًا
صدق الله العظيم

"And he whom Allah has made to go astray, you will never find for him any way (of guidance)."

Meaning they are hypocrite, ‎and are not Somali, nor Ethiopia or Arabs. They betray to whoever they associate.

Somalia inherited great wisdom, among them! Ayax teg eel na dhaaf. In Entomology eel or korn kor means Schistocerca Gregaria which is the most destructive insect in agriculture. Siyad teg, Formajo in.

Under Siyad, miskiinkii goof ka ku lahaa what has became Booli Qara, ‎was deprived his right, miskiinkii moxoga abuuran jiray, beertiisii waa laga qaatay. Kii Afgoye, wax ka soo saari jiray waa laga joojiyay!!!

Formajo, is the Schistocerca Gregaria‎. he started his rule with sending Somali Heroes to Ala Bakhe, notorious jail in Ethiopia.

And then they, the defenders of the current regime told me: "So wait for your turn and don’t be mad about the defeat of your cousin ". That is what they believe in the building of nascent nation.‎ My way is explained in the Birth of New Somalia. Read if you can. And if you read, read it again, because by repetition we learn. Please know that if I have to defend when my cousin is wrong, I will tell him to do the right thing, not support him in his wrong doing.

By this time everyone who know how to read must ‎have memorized, by the reminder of our Quran:

وَذَكِّرْ فَإِنَّ الذِّكْرَىٰ تَنفَعُ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ 

When I wrote The B‎irth of New Somalia, I was dreaming a Somalia lead by the example of Omar Ibn Khadhab, a society guided by honesty, knowledge, love of the Somali people. A nation where the little man is protected from the strong.

Early in my formation era, I learned a just coexistence. Later the lesson of my father was reinforced by my study of symbiosis : Bacillus Radicicola Synonymous Rhizobium Leguminous Arumugam.‎ This is ‎a process of living together, Rhizobium and legumes, in harmony. It is give and take that is balanced. I studied Social Sciences in depth, but I could not find any better coexistence for good society where each individual does what he does the best. That is the society I tried to design for Somalia.

I know that in these days telling the truth is a crime in corrupted society; when I spoke about the return of criminals, the dipendente of the regime, who ‎may never earned honest living, told me shut up: what we can do for you.... it is our turn, wait your turn... they ... and demanded an apology for what I said and accuse me of stirring trouble. Shame on you. I remind the words og God:
      وأكثرهم لا يعقلون  

I spoke a lot and many people know me. I am not a perfect man and perhaps made many mistakes. I repent of my past errors and ask God for forgiveness. For those who do not know me, I have a record, a history, and credentials which I enclose a synopsis here for your information. 


Now, how we get rid of stooges, ruffians who are selling our country? 
In the absence of government and rule of law,‎ I call to all Somali of good conscience to free our country from these traditori, thieves and ruffians in anyway we can wherever we find them and at anytime.‎ Otherwise who will liberate our country? 

Thank you for your patient. 

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